Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quit Smoking with Nicorette Gums

To state that smoking is an epidemic might be a major sarcasm. But, the excellent news is that more than 35 million people are trying to quit smoking. On the other hand, the terrible news is that less than 5% in reality were successful in quitting smoking. One of the most successful methods of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is by chewing gum. Companies like Nicorette will add just enough of nicotine into the gum to fulfil your cravings, at the same time keep you away from the destructive chemicals present in cigarette smoke.

Nicorette Gums can be chewed just like any other type of normal gum. The moment you start feeling the effects of nicotine, it's a wise choice to "park" it between your cheek and gums. This is quite commonly called as the "chew and park" method. This will make sure you don't consume all the nicotine straight away.

It is quite vitNicoretteal to keep in wits that a Nicorette Gum is not a normal candy that can be chewed up by every single person out there. Nicorette Gums should only be consumed by people who have a serious addiction to smoking and desire to quit it without any psychological effects. Also it is recommended to immediately speak to your doctor or GP about any potential side effects caused due to these gums. It's particularly significant to do this if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.

Nicorette gums are available in strengths: 2mg and 4mg. Your doctor should be able to tell you which strength is appropriate for you. It also comes in an assortment of flavours. The most popular of which is Nicorette Mint Gum.

It might sometimes seem bizarre that people would use gum to help quit smoking. The benefit is that you get the nicotine through the lining of mouth and not through the lungs. Ultimately after a period of time, you'll be able to gradually reduce the about of gum you need, until finally you won't need it at all.

It is a known fact that non-smokers live a happier and a healthier life. So it's essential to quit today, despite of what method you opt for. By giving Nicorette Gums a try, you'll ensure that at least you'll have a fighting chance in the battle against smoking.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Smoking Cessation Products

Quit Smoking with Gums:

One thing that instantly comes in each ones mind is how a Gum can help you quit smoking? And, answer to this question is Nicorette present in the Gums.

What are Nicorette Gums?

Nicorette Gums allows people to actively control how much nicotine they use and when they use it.

How does it help you quit smoking?

Nicotine is a highly addictive substance. People trying to quit smoking often experience unpleasant symptoms and cravings for cigarettes, because they totally depend on the nicotine.

Nicorette Microtab contain nicotine. This is a type of medicine known as Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and is used to help smokers give up the deadly habit.

This therapy works by providing smokers a minute quantity of nicotine, but discards the dangerous effects of inhaling tobacco. This helps them to get on with breaking the psychological habit of smoking.

Nicorette Gums are designed in such a manner that they easily dissolve beneath tongue. The nicotine is then absorbed into the bloodstream from the lining of your mouth.

The usage of gums per day depends on how much a person smokes and what strength their cigarettes were. It is advised not to use these gums excessively or more than recommended.

If at all you feel that you are not yet prepared to entirely stop smoking, Nicorette can also help you cut down the number of cigarettes you smoke each day.

Some Precautions prior to using Nicorette:

• Teenagers aged 12 to 18 years old should not use NRT for longer than 12 weeks without consulting a doctor or pharmacist for advice.
• NRT is not recommended for the patient suffering from heart diseases.
• NR is not recommended for diabetics.

Nicorette Gums should not be used by:

• Non-smokers.
• Children under 12 years of age should not consume Nicorette.
• Smokers, who are allergic to this medicine or any of its ingredients.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Keep Your New Years Resolution - Quit Smoking This Year

Is quitting smoking your 2010 New Year’s Resolution? Quit smoking is time after time one of the top ranked New Year’s resolutions. But, numerous of us might not be that successful in their attempts to quit smoking. What could be the probable reason for this and how can you be one of the successful ones?

First things first, congratulations on giving up smoking as your New Year’s resolution. What better time to kick this deadly habit than New Year. It is the optimum time for a fresh start and this New Year can be the start of a healthier and happier life for you. Stopping smoking is the best decision you can ever make. Now let's see how you can be successful in maintaining your resolution to quit smoking.

Many people who try to quit their smoking habit cold turkey by sheer will alone. Quitting smoking cold turkey is just like setting yourself up for failure. You only have a 5% chance of being successful with this method, so you definitely need to find some help if you want to succeed in becoming smoke free.

The best help you can get to quit smoking is with smoking cessation products. This quit smoking technique is extremely successful. It works by removing your subconscious desire to smoke. All you need to do is buy from the wide range of smoking cessation products like Nicorette, Lozenges, and many more. This would be your first and the most important step to quit smoking and maintain your New Year’s resolution.

How successful are smoking cessation products? In a test conducted 95% of the smokers managed to say adios to smoking. Nicorette, a renowned name in smoking cessation products can be bought in the form of gums, inhalators, nasal sprays, etc. suiting your preferences.

That success rate is way higher than any other smoking cessation method. There is no better way to keep your New Year’s Resolution. Quit smoking with smoking cessation products and make this year a special one for you; it will be the year you became smoke free.

If you want to keep your New Year’s resolution quit smoking with smoking cessation products visit http://www.chemistdirect.co.uk/, they are a leading online pharmacy offering a massive range of smoking cessation products for the lowest guaranteed prices in the UK.